The Poképarty
As you recall I would enlighten you with details of my pokemon party.
Well for starters it was amazing and it went very well. Majority of the decorations were hand drawn pokemon and some pokemon facts. A lot of pokemon cards went into the making of this awesome party. (To see the party stuff check me out on pintrest at akleffman)
So when the gamer boy arrived at my house we started off with refreshments like Bulbasuar use vine whip (a drink I made up) or Pikachu. We had Charmeleon chips and charizard fire balls. While the munching was happening we watched some pokemon episodes.
Later after picking mom up from work while she made a pokeball pizza we (my sister, my gamer boy, and I) started to watch The Legend of Lucario, stopping to eat our pizza and returning to the movie.
After the movie we had a pokemon trivia and played pin the tail on Fennekin. My boyfriends grandma had purchased us a giant pokeball piñata which I stuffed some pokemon into and left a note saying "oh no team rocket has captured and trapped some pokemon in a big pokeball, please help get them out" inside were two pikachus, piplup, and Fennekin along with some candy.
Lastly before my gamer boy had to go home we had cake in the shape of a master ball, colors included. The party was blast and happened about almost a month ago and we still haven't taken down some decorations. Well that's what I thought about the Poképarty just wait until mamacita blogs about it!!
Carrot girl!
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