Monday, August 18, 2014

Next week I'll be in school again... O.O Please kill me now.
Well hopefully this year will be a good year, summer I hardly knew ye.

Well actually that's quite a lie, I got a lot done over the summer and though a good chunk of it probably wasn't really productive at all.. I still did things like watch a crap load of anime and finish a crap load of anime. Let us see this list

Watched and Finished
1 Madoka Magika
2 Black Butler
3 Dangan Ronpa
4 Attack on Titan (by the way finished 20 episodes in less then 2 days.. I have no life)
5 Eden of The East
6 High School of the Dead

Started and Still watching
1 Fairy Tail (NALU 4 LIFE.. and Albis, Cappy, Gruvia, Jerza, GalE, and Aquario)
2 Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
3 Log Horizen
4 Gun Gale Online (sequel to Sword Art Online and ALfheim)

The ironic thing about Aquario is it's a mash up of Aquarius and Scorpio. Gamer Boy is an Aquarius and I'm a Scorpio. They date in the anime and we date in real life.

What a glorious summer it was.

The low part of my summer.
I also watched all two seasons of East Los High (I'm a sap for crappy tv just so you know)
My one way to describe it... A Latina version of Degrassi only more unsafe sex and dating violence.
Seriously that show could've been a commercial to warn teens about teen pregnancies, STDs, and dating violence.

Enough with that crap back to the good =)
I made my Gamer Boy a calender of his favorite female anime characters in chibi form (pretty much small and cute)  and finished it this year. Next year chibi guys :3.

Wow I wrote a lot well...
I guess it's time to go back and face the real world.
bye bye birdies!!!
xoxoxoxo Carrot Girl.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summer summer where have you gone?

You know what bugs me? The end of summer and back to school sales. School doesn't start for almost a month over here and all I see are ads on school clothes, school supplies and Shoe Carnival's school shoes with confidence. Seriously little girl just because you spent five dollars on lunch an strut around to the "popular table" and sit down, showing off your new sparkly high top converses does not mean I will let you sit with me. Granted I don't exactly sit at the popular table at school. I don't care your shoes shouldn't be giving you confidence... maybe your self esteem should.

Not to mention what's the point of reminding us of school supplies when really we all know it won't be bought till the last day of summer break *hint hint mamacita* Also buying clothes for school won't be that hard all the girls at my school need are; one pair of skinny jeans, several pairs of yoga pants, riding boots, uggs, a Hollister sweater, and a school shirt. You think I'm joking? Sadly I'm not but hey I did forget the ugly maxi dresses, maxi skirts, high heels that click click clickety click down the halls, and their one white shirt for their maxi skirt.

I guess another reason I'm not ready for school is because I'm not ready to deal with the assholes and bitches I have to refer to as my "peers" who will no doubt make me think about the pros and cons of a lobotomy with a spoon or encourage my inner serial killer. The only good thing that comes out of school is being one year closer to graduation and more stuff for me to write about to you guys.

Well that's all for now my little carrots.
xoxoxox Carrot Girl

Saturday, July 5, 2014

What's really been going on during my summer?

Well this summer has had some unplanned events and some forgotten to mention at the moment.

•We had the end of the year party or the Poképarty if I insiste which you can read all about on another post.

•We also had my Gamerboy's graduation and senior night. Senior night is a school planned party for the graduating class to just relax and play some games or ride some rides. Normally involving free food and drinks, some free paint ball, arcade games, bumper cars and more. It lasts until about six AM.  It was a blast and afterwards I treated my Gamerboy to some IHOP for breakfast and we parted off to take some naps and woke up for lunch and chilling out at his mall till I had to go home.

• Nextly was gamerboy's graduation party hosted by his family and me. I was in charge of decorations . The party was at a lovely Mexican restaurant and decorated by the family. The food was made by his dad and uncles (delicious barbbque) the party lasted till about midnight and  after cleaning up and taking down all decorations I went back to his grandmas for the night. In the morning  my Gamerboy came over for some breakfast and picked me up and  we went to gamestop and got  The Last of Us and I just watched him play until mamacita and dad picked me up..

• my Gamerboy came over for breakfast one morning and my sister, he, and I watched Destiny Deoxys. (a very emotional pokemon movie might I say!) After that we went to my mall and  well got lost in the catacombs known as Dillard's. We went to my anime store and bought; a hatsune miku necklace, a black butler necklace, a pikachu bell phone charm, some hatsune miku stickers, a scroll poster of hatsune miku, and some stickers. After that we went to hottopic and we bought a cute hatsune miku shirt and an Alice and Wonderland pocket necklace. Might I mention I bought most the stuff for My Gamerboy and he bought me the pocket watch necklace. After looking around several stores falling in love with a cute painting of Paris I hope to get for him. We found a different shop. Hmm how's this place different? Well aside from all the amazing furniture and posters, it had records, and was half a souvenir shop. It was fun, I found the perfect chair for two. It was like a chair and the backrest forms a little arch and is the backrest to the other chair. After viewing food look alike soaps we decided it was time for lunch. Two pizzas for him and a 12 piece chicken nugget meal from chickfila. We hung out and browsed a little longer. After becoming tired we went back to my house and watched Safety Not Guaranteed . After some dinner and watching a little House my Gamerboy had to go back home.

• Lastly and fresh in mind our Fourth of July. We out with his grandparents and went swimming all day and had stopped for pizza at a little restaurant that escapes my head at the moment and went back to my Gamerboy's house to watch the fireworks. Fireworks are pretty things aren't they. Well after that my Gamerboy dropped me off at his grandmas and I spent the night there. We had breakfast at grandmas and just hangout in the city looking at all the cute shops and such. We went to a big mall and visited a cute anime store and my god the stuff I would buy if I had money!! It was really cool. They had some Madoka Magica stuff, some Sword Art Online, and some Fairy Tale. Well after that we drove to Luby's  and had an amazing lunch. I ordered the Mac and cheese, with fried okra, and chicken tenders and it was amazing!!! Well after that we went back and chilled at the Gamerboy's home and played some Skyrim and LoU. Sadly after that I had to go home so I decided to blog all about it.
Well the last thing I wanted to do with my gamer boy was to help him pack and move in but sadly that won't happen ( damn you gas prices!). At least we'll have our fun and exciting memories. Plus there will be more to make in the new city he's moving (not to far from me) for collage.

Well we are at the end my dears, it's not so far away...
Xoxox the carrot girl!

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Poképarty
As you recall I would enlighten you with details of my pokemon party.
Well for starters it was amazing and it went very well. Majority of the decorations were hand drawn pokemon and some pokemon facts.  A lot of pokemon cards went into the making of this awesome party.  (To see the party stuff check me out on pintrest at akleffman)

So when the gamer boy arrived at my house we started off with refreshments like Bulbasuar use vine whip (a drink I made up) or Pikachu. We had Charmeleon chips and charizard fire balls. While the munching was happening we watched some pokemon episodes.

Later after picking mom up from work while she made a pokeball pizza we (my sister, my gamer boy, and I) started to watch The Legend of Lucario, stopping to eat our pizza and returning to the movie.

After the movie we had a pokemon trivia and played pin the tail on Fennekin. My boyfriends grandma had purchased us a giant pokeball piñata which I stuffed some pokemon into and left a note saying "oh no team rocket has captured and trapped some pokemon in a big pokeball, please help get them out" inside were two pikachus, piplup, and Fennekin along with some candy.

Lastly before my gamer boy had to go home we had cake in the shape of a master ball, colors included. The party was blast and happened about almost a month ago and we still haven't taken down some decorations. Well that's what I thought about the Poképarty just wait until mamacita blogs about it!!

Carrot girl!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last day of school, it's sad, fun, amazing, and relieving.
I absolutely hate school and so happy it's over. This blogger ain't a fishy anymore. That's a term we use for freshman.

So as for summer plans, I have many. What is going on in my life the next two months.
• my long awaited party for my gamer boy. Remember right now is hush hush secret secret. But all secrets will be revealed after the party by me and my mamacita!

• next is my gamer boys grad party, yes a freshman dating a senior, how cliché. Well we've been dating for almost three years sooo... Yeah. That's coming up.

• gamer boy moves into his first apartment soon after the party and I'm gonna help him move in and settle things down.

• lastly  I'm visiting some family for a week. I'm going to meet my three little new cousins and after that I don't know what to expect from the rest of week. Mom if you're reading I mean a week. That's how long I'll stay.

I have some plans well more like goals
I plan on trying to get my driving permit and then license.
After that I hope to get a job and well that's pretty much it..

If you recall last blog I wrote about Missy D and me. Well our friendship has set sail for Valhalla. It sucks that she can't see all the hard work and how I've tried to help her, but if she ever changes her mind and proves she is changing (for the better we hope) then I will gladly take her back into my circle of friends but till then. We're done

That's a wrap!!!!!
Love you all
Xoxoxo Carrot Girl.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

So once again we've hit a slow week. Well things will probably pick back up at the beginning of the up coming school year. So somethings that happened over the past two weekish.

I took my first AP test and Godzilla that was so boring. The testing that is not the movie, haven't seen it yet. We got to the testing room only to find nothing was ready and we had to wait a hour for the test  instructors to get everything set up. One would think that this big important test is coming we should have everything ready so we can just read instructions and let them test but no. After everything was all set up it took half a hour to find our seats. Again AP test should have had this set up and possibly at least in alphabetical order. The test its self wasn't so difficult which means I probably failed. Oorah!

So lately I've been planning a pokemon themed party for my Gamer Boy. It's been very stressful and fun because I've been making and looking at so many cool things we could do for the party. Mamacita and I will duel blog it after everything is set and done. Sorry guys no spoilers!!

Missy D my friend from the previous post, we're kinda friends at the moment but I don't know how long that will last. We fixed our current issues but the problem is. She's hit a level of where most the stuff she says is just so annoying and is very hypocritical at the moment. An example ....

Missy D: I hate people who get excited over foreign thinks, Americans just eat that stuff up.

This girl literally lives for crappy ass English bands and Aussie bands. She got so excited over a fracking bottle of sand from Australia. Or that her favorite this is anime and anime is foreign and from Japan.

Well that's all I have for now.
Hope your week is good and much!

Xoxoxo Carrot Girl

Friday, May 9, 2014

Have you ever had such a slow week that you have nothing to write about? Well that's me this week, I've been having a lot of testing at my school so anything fun or cool that could have happened didn't. But hey next week I take my first AP Test. Woot a year of AP Human Geography and I still don't understand the point of that class.

So my sister had her birthday recently and well to be cute I decorated the kitchen nook and had a picture of my sister from when she was four and made a little crown.  After setting everything up I realized it looked so macabre!!! Well with the macabre picture and cute decorations the Fairy Girl had a good time.

Next on the agenda Fairy Girl had a band concert which was pretty cool, I got to hear songs like the Mission Impossible theme, Pirate songs, and some song about dinosaurs. She sounded really great and I was glad I got to go. Well after that we went to Little Caesars and I saw a girl from school and just screamed "oh my god it's you!!!!!!" In the most happiest and loudest voice ever. She looked happy and said hey. ( later the next day I apologized for being a spaz and she said it was cool)

Nextly and lastly my friend Missy D are having a fight. She is doing everything that she did to her other friend which I will refer to her as Miss Cumberbitch ( take no offense my dear friend!) and now their not friends so... I hope this bs drama gets fixed soon.

Xoxox Carrot Girl

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hey guys sorry I've been gone and haven't posted. Nothing really interesting has happened lately. This week if you don't know is the 10 year anniversary for Mean Girls which happens to be on Wednesday! On Wednesdays we wear pink! No bitch we wear black.  Well that's really all happy 10 years and remember none for Gretchen Wieners!

Xoxox Carrot Girl
Aka the girl with a boring life that nothing has really gone on in. Except pictures of Tom Hiddles *internal fangirl screams*

Hasta pronto. ¡Te amo!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pain no gain? I find this statement to be a load of bull, if ever working out you feel pain then you're probably doing it wrong and need to stop. Well what happened today has nothing to do with gaining anything.

So I go to a high school that's predominantly a military family thing, we get a lot of recruiters and they like to make it fun. How many pull ups can you do and win a prize, or offer key chains with recruiter name and number to be recruited. Well the army visited us with cool stuff; two v two basket ball, football throws, cool picture moments, and a push up station. I trying to be nice and helpful started retrieving the footballs for the volunteers at some point I grab a ball then trying to spring upwards I fall back and and on my head.  Just to let you all know, I'm fine just a little bump and small pain. There was silence for a full minute... Everyone gasped and cringed as they heard my skull come into contact with the cold hard concrete.

After a second of sheer fear everyone started to whisper "maybe she's in shock?" or "is she okay?"
One of the recruiters comes up to me and offers me his hand ad asks if I'm okay and to my response yeah without shedding a tear. The recruiters looked impressed, my classmates shock,surprised and a mix of aw.

To be honest this was actually a pretty good day.
A final message for the day, Thank you my thick skull! If not for you I'd probably be in a hell a lot of pain.

Xoxoxo Carrot Girl

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Teachers some of the best people you have to work with and some of the worst.
The best are the ones who understand that you're not on your A game (BTW I love Pretty Little Liars) 24/7 but are also the ones who know you're not putting the effort. Lately I've sick and have missed some school with allergies and all that. Any I've missed I get a chance to do or have a little more time to get work done. In this case that's not the problem I have this one teacher who I guess just doesn't see me.

We'll refer to her as Miss Chi. I'm one of Miss Chi's best kids; I do her work, I listen in class, I've never disrespected her but she lately has been ignoring me. First it started with  her not calling on me to answer the questions ( and hey I answer most of them so I understand that she's not picking me more for the sake of getting others to participate in class), but completely forgetting I'm in the classroom and almost locking me in that's different. Or ignoring my story that we had to write for the class.

So I ask you the people or my mom, what do you think?
This is just an elective class by the way.
xoxox Carrot Girl
*sigh* Back to the Turtle, there is no hope here.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter, what's not to love about it? Nice sunny and cool weather, maybe a light breeze. Children laughing and hunting for dyed eggs or plastic ones filled with candies or coins. The lovely smell of barbecue. Barbecue??? Yes barbecue, apparently it's a mostly southern tradition to have barbecue any eating involved holiday.

So to start today off after seeing my lovely Easter basket, I forced my mom to wake up and watch Am Horr Stor with me. After which I called my boyfriend about him picking me up. An hour later and two donuts (mmm delicious donuts) we were at his grandma's house eating and cracking cascarones onto each others heads, and egg hunting. Well it was all fun and games till we left me and my Gamerboy ( I will be referring to my boyfriend as that now). At Gamerboy's house the wind was picking up and blowing pollen all through the air and making me sick. After like an hour of me shacking and crying on the floor my Gamerboy forces me up and drives me home.

Today was really fun till I got sick and anyways. I hope you have a safe and fun Easter!!!
Xoxoxo Carrot Girl

Friday, April 18, 2014

Something new, something shiny - we all love them.- Except for maybe The Shining...though really...depends on if that's your cuppa tea. Some of this blog is real and some of it is figments of my strange and sometimes macabre sense of humour. In truth, that's what I mean about the Carrot Girl Blogger.  Who am I? Not her, I'm  just starting this off cause...yeah, shut up!

So I guess being honest here, I have a lot of anger-issues (thanks dad and my fellow classmates) any who I hope writing down some of what happens in my daily life high school and outside of it maybe I can be better about my anger and don't have a sociopath break down... I kid I hope. (My mom hopes maybe I'll see a new perspective on life.) Some will be real and some off the wall via my family.

Well here goes
So at Walmart with my family I got a new dress that's orange and white for Easter. the dress makes me feel light and flowy. It cost about $16 which contributed to my families $200 grocery bill (Whoot!) well and the candy so I could make my boyfriend an Easter basket. A little later I was chillin with my mamacita watching American Horror Story which from this day will be called Am Horr Stor. My mom called it AHS and wondered why I didn't understand which maybe was because I had just woken up from a nap and wasn't even thinking about Am Horr Stor. Well after a few episodes and a Blogger account later here we are.
Wow that was actually really refreshing and fun! Woodhouse again!!

Xoxox Carrot Girl