Saturday, May 24, 2014

So once again we've hit a slow week. Well things will probably pick back up at the beginning of the up coming school year. So somethings that happened over the past two weekish.

I took my first AP test and Godzilla that was so boring. The testing that is not the movie, haven't seen it yet. We got to the testing room only to find nothing was ready and we had to wait a hour for the test  instructors to get everything set up. One would think that this big important test is coming we should have everything ready so we can just read instructions and let them test but no. After everything was all set up it took half a hour to find our seats. Again AP test should have had this set up and possibly at least in alphabetical order. The test its self wasn't so difficult which means I probably failed. Oorah!

So lately I've been planning a pokemon themed party for my Gamer Boy. It's been very stressful and fun because I've been making and looking at so many cool things we could do for the party. Mamacita and I will duel blog it after everything is set and done. Sorry guys no spoilers!!

Missy D my friend from the previous post, we're kinda friends at the moment but I don't know how long that will last. We fixed our current issues but the problem is. She's hit a level of where most the stuff she says is just so annoying and is very hypocritical at the moment. An example ....

Missy D: I hate people who get excited over foreign thinks, Americans just eat that stuff up.

This girl literally lives for crappy ass English bands and Aussie bands. She got so excited over a fracking bottle of sand from Australia. Or that her favorite this is anime and anime is foreign and from Japan.

Well that's all I have for now.
Hope your week is good and much!

Xoxoxo Carrot Girl

Friday, May 9, 2014

Have you ever had such a slow week that you have nothing to write about? Well that's me this week, I've been having a lot of testing at my school so anything fun or cool that could have happened didn't. But hey next week I take my first AP Test. Woot a year of AP Human Geography and I still don't understand the point of that class.

So my sister had her birthday recently and well to be cute I decorated the kitchen nook and had a picture of my sister from when she was four and made a little crown.  After setting everything up I realized it looked so macabre!!! Well with the macabre picture and cute decorations the Fairy Girl had a good time.

Next on the agenda Fairy Girl had a band concert which was pretty cool, I got to hear songs like the Mission Impossible theme, Pirate songs, and some song about dinosaurs. She sounded really great and I was glad I got to go. Well after that we went to Little Caesars and I saw a girl from school and just screamed "oh my god it's you!!!!!!" In the most happiest and loudest voice ever. She looked happy and said hey. ( later the next day I apologized for being a spaz and she said it was cool)

Nextly and lastly my friend Missy D are having a fight. She is doing everything that she did to her other friend which I will refer to her as Miss Cumberbitch ( take no offense my dear friend!) and now their not friends so... I hope this bs drama gets fixed soon.

Xoxox Carrot Girl